Sunday, January 22, 2012

Bro jus' can't do no wrong

(Miyazaki Hayao, 1988)

Giant cuddly bro and anatomically correct cat-pal help siblings strengthen their bond.

Perhaps the 4th or so Miyazaki film I've consumed and y'know what? None of them are bad. Bro's gotta pretty good good-streak. Anyhow, like so many excellent things made a hundred years ago glad this one was! While the charm, or whimsy if you will, of the animation and story can be struck anytime, it's the BA synth heavy tunes that are a product of the time of publication. Suppose not much to say that isn't already common-knowledge about Studio Ghibli stuff. More than excellent art and animation. Succinct and charming plot, dialog. However, while trying to find pictures of cat balls this lil gem turned up. Ah, the creativity of the knitting crowd!


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