Monday, July 9, 2007

Short Bus

Short Bus
(sometime recent, nobody cares)

Some gay dudes, some lesbians, some dominatrix, some broken marriage, some New Yorkers caught up on themselves.

Forgettable, but fortunately not regret inducing. As far as stories of "sexual deviants" go, not that great. Mysterious Skin is far and away a better movie. Then again the comparison is really apples to oranges where the oranges represent a lame movie and the apple represents the raddness that is Mysterious Skin. Best part is when the asian check exposes her vagina and Volvo said something like, "ha you can see her cooter." Outside of that, meh.

Not recommended


mac said...

I found the movie quite intriguing, and thought that the humor was dark and tastfully 'raunchy,' for lack of a better word(s). I also thought that John Cameron Mitchell did an excellent job at presenting the actual sex in the sex seens. They didn't seem too sensational or fabricated and each one vividly portrayed those little sexual fuck ups as 'just a part of sex' rather than the teen-movie approach where characters are commonly being chastised or mocked for them.

I do agree with you though, Standy's use of the word 'cooter' was exceptional.

Monumental Beard said...
