Sunday, August 5, 2007

The Fountain

The Fountain
(Darren Aronofsky, 2006)

Dying wife acts selfishly towards sympathetic husband.

Easily one of the most uninteresting films around. Um, lots of CG reminiscent of Magic Eye videos we all saw in Costco circa 1992. Er, bunch of weird new-age-esque bastardized eastern mystic stuff. Yeah just not very good. Not particularly interesting. Too bad CG showed up to perform as band aid for shoddy film making. All boosting C & B titles onto the A list.

Not recommended

1 comment:

mac said...

I agreed with almost everything you said minus the "sympathetic" part. It felt to me like all the actors were playing their parts in different locations at different times I.R.L. There wasn't enough chemistry at any given time for me to think, "sympathy."